Subject: Viridian Note 00042: the Viridian Alcohol Cellphone Key concepts: imaginary products, fuel cells, cellphones Attention Conservation Notice: It's about a whimsical "product" that doesn't yet exist, but might end up in a Viridian catalog someday. Entries in the Viridian "Fungal Typography" Contest: (Note: Burmeister entry recently updated) This contest embraces decay on January 31, 01999. For contest instructions see Note 00027. Links: A link announcement from^^^^^^^* (Tor Kristensen): Tor Kristensen remarks: I've added a new section to It lets anyone add a link to a "Viridian" product. You can rate the links as "Viridian," "Nearly Viridian," "Partly Viridian," or "Viridian-Leaning." Cheers, Tor Kristensen Curator, Digital Artist From:^^^^** (Stefan Jones) Source: "A cell phone can run on alcohol? Research firm develops prototype miniature power pack" from REUTERS "LOS ALAMOS, N.M., Dec. 30, 1998. A New Mexico research firm said on Wednesday it has come up with a prototype miniature power pack for cell phones that runs on alcohol == including hard liquor. Manhattan Scientifics Inc. said it has come up with a 'pre-prototype' micro fuel cell that could be used to power a cell phone. Fuel cells generate power through a chemical process without combustion. "'It can run on ethanol == which is vodka. It will run longer on something strong, but we are using a water/ethanol mix that is equivalent to windshield wiper fluid,' Robert Hockaday, the company's chief fuel cell scientist, told Reuters. 'You could screw the fuel cell into one of those little shot bottles, but then we would have a liability problem == people would be trying to drink their phones,' he added." (...). "Hockaday's prototype cell can run for about two weeks on an ampule of fuel, but the company's ultimate objective is six months of uninterrupted usage. A commercial version of the miniature fuel cell could be available in about a year and a half, the scientist said. (c) 1998 Reuters" Stefan Jones remarks: If this isn't Viridian, I dunno what is. It's probably even *more* Viridian if you use green liqueur, like absinthe or creme de menthe. "'Taint moonshine Sheriff, I'm just trying to keep Momma's pacemaker going!" (((bruces remarks: It's a sad commentary on the state of affairs in American consumer technology when one sees legal "liability problems" invented out of whole cloth, so as to avoid the creation of a great new product. Yes, it should indeed be dead obvious to any true Viridian that a cellphone hipflask that also creates its own six-month battery charge is a truly inspired device. Think about it. How many times have you made a phone call that *required* a drink afterwards? How many times have you been knocking back liquor in lonely splendor and felt a sudden powerful urge to reach out and touch someone? (((I foresee a demographically split product line. First we have the executive version, a trim fold-up nickel-plated phone that contains a healthy shot of fine barrel-strength Scotch single-malt. Then there's the downmarket version, basically a portable still that contains K011 gene-spliced Cajun moonshine. Six months on one's hip actually *mellows the rotgut out* == because even the cheapest liver-eating tequila improves after a pass through a catalytic oxidizing fuel reformer. Don't even get me started about the liter-sized global Iridium satellite cellphone.))) Stefan Jones (^^^^**)