Subject: Viridian Note 00019: Viridian Domains of Interest Key concepts: Viridian categories, Viridian internal politics, automoderating groupware, anarchy, symbols, Burning Man, Los Alamos National Laboratory Urban Security Project, disaster response, art projects Attention Conservation Notice: Mark Beam, who was the host for the first Viridian speech at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, is getting a few various matters off his chest here. Some knowledge of the San Francisco art scene might aid reader comprehension. From^* (Mark Beam) Links: http://geont1.langov/urbansecurity.htm Entries in the "Big Mike" Viridian Design Contest: Mark Beam writes: ((and bruces comments in triple parentheses))): As the proud host for the formal physical launch of the Viridian Movement and the eloquent proclamation documented in Note 00001, I offer these first observations. Viridian postings should be categorized for future reference. Viridians with certain disciplinary expertise should gather items of wisdom within a particular domain. A disciple of economics, of energy, of networks, a minister of propaganda, etc., could supplement the ideas arising from the list by adding a more comprehensive approach.. Here design becomes crucial, political and dangerous. (((Absolutely, brother.))) Key junctures that link Viridians together could grow future self-organizing limbs. To do so without some form of human delegation may be possible, but would seem to require initial filtering, sophisticated object oriented databases and search engines. (((Even more absolutely! Bring on the all-wise automoderating robot! While you're at it, let's run it for public office.))) Disciples or ministers, recorders etc. would not entitled to any political capital within the movement, other than true Viridian currency == Viridian reputation capital. This top down approach would be balanced by having Viridians assigning emphasis/aesthetic guidance in the particular areas both in the formation of categories and in discovery by example (bottom-up). (((It sounds so plausible, poetic, and beautiful, doesn't it? ))) Regarding visually effective design principles criticized in Note 00005, I am reminded of Larry Harvey's two basic principles of spontaneous human organizationm established over years of experiments in the Nevada desert. 1) Distribute people randomly, and they will spontaneously generate some order, first by forming circles...not squares or triangles... but circles around a point of interest. 2) Points of interest (attention) are created by a) Movement of axis in space- i.e. hold something up high, (a mobile?), or b) Movement of space around axis- (i.e. a mobile?). What Viridian icon do we hold up high or put in motion? (((How about Larry Harvey himself? But wait a minute == I've actually met this "self-organizing anarchist" Larry Harvey, and as the Pope-Emperor of the Burning Man festival, Larry works harder at organization than anybody I've ever met.))) What does it mean to hold something up high, or to put something in motion in Viridian terms? What does this mean in other less networked, but high CO2 emitting countries? Our visual icon should have global appeal. Existing infrastructure to leverage: The Los Alamos National Laboratory has created the Urban Security Project, using centralized computer systems to help cities respond to earthquakes, chemical or biological attacks, and other unforeseen disasters. (((Now you're talking! We need to rent one of those Urban Security babies and put it in charge of the mailing list.))) The researchers are currently looking at what happens in these emergency situations to transportation, energy distribution, weather, infrastructure, water distribution, ecosystems, economy, geology and demographics. (((See, it's got the problem all broken-down into convenient Viridian categories already!))) The program is designed to help cities anticipate problems in their emergency response systems and make changes to improve their overall readiness. (((Security systems like this are of intense Viridian interest. What are "cities," if not the people in the cities? Systems of this sort should be promulgated worldwide and made publicly available as a matter of course. Every environmental hazard in one's own environment should be made visible to you at the click of a web button. Not only that, but you should be allowed an honest and immediate look at how they handle these problems in *other* cities.))) Finally, this reminds me of a concept for an art project I've developed. It consists of a Dow Jones-style tickertape machine, which scrolls genuine corporate symbols, followed by a different sort of symbolic tally...for instance,. down three trees (symbol for certain quantity of dead trees), up two solar powers (sun symbol). This scheme symbolizes the true economic measure of "growth" in terms of environmental destruction. Perhaps this could be Viridianized to reflect CO2 emissions/remissions. Mark Beam (^*) "Where a society is defined by its boundaries, a culture is defined by its horizon == a phenomenon of vision." J. CARSE