Subject: Viridian Note 00008: The Science Press on Global Warming Key concepts: global warming, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Kyoto Protocol, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, scientific rhetoric Attention Conservation Notice: infested with scientific and political jargon; writers' original language apparently not English even though they are English; is over 1,000 words long Source: NATURE Vol. 395, 22 October 1998, page 741 Links: Reading the science press on the subject of global warming is often a surreal experience. With the exception of a few loose-cannon cranks, the scientific community simply accepts global warming as established fact, much as if it were (a) relativity or (b) evolution. In other words, they (a) assume no one can truly understand it without skills in nine-dimensional tensor calculus, and (b) they're very wary of knee-jerk Neanderthals with a theocratic objection to the whole idea. Scientific writing has a long and exquisitely developed tradition. As an act of communication, it is very badly designed. Scientific papers tend to be written by large committees of authors. Passive voice and third- person construction drain the prose of all vigor. Choking smoke-screens of jargon defend the institutional interests of specialized knowledge guilds. No science article can ever resist the urge to cram in a squinchy, ugly, reader-hostile, graph or table. But when you add a diplomatic or political spin to the mess, science writing goes into airless contortions. An excellent example can be found in a recent issue of NATURE magazine. Many people have asked me why I think the arts should tackle the Greenhouse Effect. I think that Notes 00008 and 00009 will make it clear just how badly the sciences are handling the job. (At least, it would be clear if their prose were readable.) I have cut some of this "Commentary" article, including two semi-legible graph tables projecting climate trends toward the year 2050. But I want the authors to have their fair say, in their own chosen rhetoric; nothing of genuine interest and relevance has been omitted here. They are scientific experts with impeccable credentials, published in a highly prestigious journal; they deserve to be heard. First, I will let them speak for themselves. Then, in the following Note, I will take the liberty of speaking for them, in a rather more forthright fashion. NATURE Vol. 395, 22 October 1998, page 741 "Adapting to the inevitable" "Greenhouse-gas emissions targets to be discussed in Buenos Aires next month will have little effect on the potential impacts of climate change. We should be exploring ways of adapting to impacts, some of which are inevitable." By Martin Perry, Nigel Arnell, Mike Hulme, Robert Nicholls and Matthew Livermore (Martin Perry and Matthew Livermore are at the Jackson Environment Institute, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6HA, UK. Nigel Arnell is in the Department of Geography, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK. Mike Hulme is at the Climatic Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK. Robert Nicholls is at the Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University, Enfield EN3 4SF, UK. They are lead authors of the IPCC.) "In Kyoto last December, at the third conference of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, targets were agreed for reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions. On 2 November in Buenos Aires, negotiators will reconvene at the framework convention's fourth conference to agree the mechanisms and a timetable for implementation. We shall be hearing a good deal about trading permits, compliance and enforcement in the weeks to come. But in reality, the control of global warming achieved is very limited. "The Kyoto Protocol is an agreement to a 5.2 percent reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions by about 2010 (relative to 1990), and constant emissions thereafter. But these targets only relate to the so-called annex 1 countries (38 industrialized nations). These countries together account for about 57 percent of present global carbon emissions, but will produce only about 25 percent of the emissions growth over the next 20 years. Most future growth in emissions is expected to occur in the fast-developing regions of Asia and Latin America, which are not signatories to the framework convention. "As a consequence, the Kyoto target itself does relatively little to combat the rate of climate change. The warming expected by 2050, without any deliberate mitigation, is estimated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) at 1.4 degrees C with respect to the 1961-90 average. About 0.25 degrees C of this has already been realized by the 1990s. Our model prediction suggests that fully implemented Kyoto targets would reduce this global warming by 2050 by only about 0.05 degrees C. Even more radical targets, such as a 20 percent reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions from annex 1 countries, would reduce it by only a further 0.1 degrees C by 2050. "These minor reductions in the expected warming mean that the projected impacts of change are barely affected. The global number of people put at increased risk of hunger, water shortage or coastal flooding during storms as a result of projected climate changes is hardly touched by the targets under discussion in Buenos Aires, even if full implementation of the targets is agreed there. (...) "The convention calls on signatories to take action to safeguard food security, ecosystems and sustainable development from dangerous levels of climate change. But the current target does not do this. This does not mean that we should despair, but it emphasizes two things. First, Kyoto and Buenos Aires are only the first steps in a process that must involve much greater reduction in emissions and also, crucially, the participation of developing countries. (...) Second, mitigation by reducing greenhouse-gas emissions cannot be the entire response to the threat of climate change. Given the long history of past emissions and the inertia of the climate system, we will experience a substantial amount of further climate change even if we make huge cuts. "We should, therefore, be thinking seriously about how we can best adapt to climate change. (...) Adaptation has received very little attention compared with mitigation. That may be partly because to admit the need to adapt sounds defeatist to negotiators, and also because adaptation seems more complicated than mitigation (emission sources are relatively few, but the array of adaptations is vast). Yet to ignore mitigation is both unrealistic and perilous. (...) "About 640 million people are at risk of hunger now. Poverty is the root cause, but much of the year-to- year variability is due to drought. By droughtproofing those are risk now we could secure their present livelihod and reduce the impact of future climate change. There are many kinds of such 'win-win' solutions that serve both our present and future needs, such as increasing irrigation efficiency, breeding more drought-resistant crops and developing buffer stocks of food. (...) "There is a risk that negotiators have lost sight of the ultimate objective of the convention which is to avoid dangerous levels of climate change. Current mitigation targets will not achieve this and should not be mistaken for effective climate management. " Bruce Sterling (